Friday, December 27, 2013

Nerd Rage! DC Heroclix

Nerd Rage: DC heroclix.

Hello my fellow fans of all things nerdy, how are you today? Well I don't particularly care... today we're going to rage on about the board game HEROCLIX. Why? They keep on screwing up the opportunity to make my TWO favorite DC characters OF ALL TIME. That's right. ALL TIME!

Let's begin with a story. DC's mega-awesome alternate universe story Kingdom Come has a final battle with Superman versus Captain Marvel. The story comes to a climax. Meta vs. meta in an all out war between three fractions of superheroes. Superman's league vs. imprisoned heroes, vs. Batman's league. Superman can beat every other hero out there but one: Captain Marvel. Superman is rushing in to stop the imprisoned heroes from breaking out, and stopping his league from harming any of the inmates. Just before Superman can get to the battlefield Captain Marvel intercepts him and their fight ensues.

Like the clap of thunder their strikes echo across the land.

Alex Ross has said that Captain Marvel would have won in a heads up battle, but where is the dial for this guy? Oh yea, he's in the UNLEASHED set where he wouldn't even be able to go toe to toe with that set's Superman. Brave and the Bold was the last time there was a new Captain Marvel and they screwed it up! Billy Batson would have been a great alter-ego piece to turn into the new wizard's back half! This isn't the only one they screwed up though.

Kyle Rayner is my Green Lantern. The last GL, an artist who knows fear, and just an unlucky guy. He is all that embodies what I would have wanted to be in a superhero. I know that there are already a few sculpts of him, but not how I see him. Ion is the most ridiculous version of Kyle: omnipotent, time, and reality bending powers? Who wouldn't like those powers, especially in heroclix? Easily worth 400pts. He's the lantern that reignited the central power battery on Oa, brought back the Guardians, and restarted the corps! There is TECHNICALLY a version of Kyle as Ion, but come on! He's only got Quintessence for ONE click! Kyle was Ion not once but TWICE, in multiple issues! Cosmic Hulk/Cosmic Spider-man only had the Uni-power for a few issues!

Before Wizkids was bought up by NECA they said that Cosmic Spider-man would never be made because he wasn't a large part of the overall 616 universe, but not only do we have Cosmic Spidey, we also have Cosmic Hulk. I think it's about time we had a new Ion, or even an entire Green Lantern set with both Ions, Parallax, and even giant sized spectrum avatars! I know that there is a Hal Jordan Parallax, but he sucks and doesn't count. Con exclusive, no special TA, high points with odd powers and no move and attack? Yea he sucks. In this fantasy set I'd also like to see Hal Jordan the villain, with ten rings or however many he has, and some Green Lantern killing trait or ability.

 Billy Batson is just begging for a alter-ego piece. A new sculpt would be great too but I'll take a old Superman, Thor, or anything really. Just give me something dynamic. Call down the lightning and make it so he can punch through Superman's defenses FROM RANGE. Shazam has to be better than the SR Black Adam though. Come on Wizkids... ONE TIME!

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