Friday, January 3, 2014

Hunter Zolomon

Growing up reading comics my generation of DC characters dropped Hal Jordan and Barry Allen for Kyle Rayner and Wally West. These two were my Green Lantern and Flash. In my opinion, Wally's greatest foe is Hunter Zolomon.

 Zolomon is Zoom 2.0, he's faster, meaner and has a vendetta against Wally. How can you defeat someone that has broken past the speed of sound, light, time, dimensions and the speed force? You slow down time in relation to yourself. Now the physics are iffy at best, but honestly slowing time to beat a super speedster is awesome. Wally has a direct link to the positive end of the speed force and thus can siphon speed force from other users so if Zoom were to use the same force that Wally does, Zoom would always have a disadvantage. Since Zoom has time manipulation powers Zoom has the upper hand. If he can slow time down but not stop it, Zoom can move faster than anything. He can defeat Flash at any time, making him one of the most dangerous meta humans in the DC universe.

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