Thursday, December 5, 2013

Love affair with Kyle

I am a 30 year old man. I love all things nerdy/geeky. I am most fanatical about comic books. I enjoy video games and movies as well. My love of comics trump all others because of one character; Kyle Rayner. DC comics is the greatest source of fantasy escapism for young males with problem lives. The reason I associated myself with this new Green Lantern was because he was an artist like I wanted to be, and unlike any other GL he was not without fear. Rayner was a regular guy, just like me, a shmoe who could draw, and all of a sudden receive the most powerful weapon in all the universe. Who wouldn't like that? As it turns out things don't come up all roses for Kyle. The woman he was madly in love with; the woman he lived for; the one that encouraged him; and saw his potential as a hero; ends up folded in half, dead in her own fridge. Damn. That was rough. The more powerful Kyle becomes, the less lucky he is in his personal life.

Kyle's love life is always in shambles. He gets a good thing going in one book, and then he spends arcs trying to pick up the shattered pieces. For a little while regular ole Kyle becomes the most powerful being in existence. Eat that Superman! Kyle's powers included the ability to bend space, time and reality. He became omnipotent and able to exist in multiple places at different times, maybe even in different planes of existence! It's no wonder that he's my favorite DC character!

Detective Comics is the fantasy world for those to wish to be invulnerable to everything. Most of the people I know who don't like DC don't like it for this reason. I agree that you don't worry for the character's safety etc. etc. but that isn't what DC is about. The arcs here are about the ability to do more, and doing it. The character abilities are sheer escapism and about never getting hurt. This is why I loved DC comics; I always wanted to throw up a hard light shield and just fly away from all of my problems... and this is still why I'm waiting for my power ring.

Ion. Kyle at his greatest.

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